【「香港故事」更新】展覽文字保育計劃:(五)鴉片戰爭及香港的割讓 The Opium Wars and the Cession of Hong Kong

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8 min readJan 9, 2021



【左邊早期中西關係長廊 Early Sino-Western Relations Corridor on the Left】

新航路及西商來華 The New Route and the Arrival of European Traders


With the passing of the Darking Ages in Europe, the Renaissance ushered in a new era of discovery. Adventurous seafarers in pursuit of riches and zealous Catholics intent on finding converts set sail to search for new lands. China, with her long history and legendary wealth, was an inevitable destination for European traders. In 1498 the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama rounded the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa and reached India. The new sea route from Europe to the East he discovered provided an alternative to the land route via the Middle East which passed through the Muslim world. The sea route later reached China and served endless contingents of European merchants who sailed there for trade, including Portuguese, Dutch and British.

葡萄牙人東來 The Coming of the Portuguese


The Portuguese took possession of Goa (India) in 1510 and Malacca (Malaya) in 1511, gaining control of the sea route to the East Indies. In Malacca they saw Chinese merchants trading silk, porcelain and pearls for spices, ginger and gold thread. This prompted the Portuguese to sail north to China to trade. They arrived in Macau in 1514, and in 1557 obtained permission to settle there on payment of an annual rent, setting a precedent for European countries to lease land in China.

廣州的中西貿易 Foreign Trade in Guangzhou

明 、清遞嬗之際,厲行海禁,廣州對外貿易一度衰落。1685年,清政府正式宣佈開放海禁,在廣州、漳州、寧波和雲台山設置海關,以管理對外貿易。1757年,清政府為防止外人往來海防要地,獨留廣州一口通商,並訂立“防夷規程”,限定外商在廣州的活動範圍,只准他們於每年貿易季節前來進行買賣,其餘時間須離開中國或撤至澳門。

In the interim period between the Ming and Qing dynasties, China prohibited traders from setting sail overseas, and trade in Guangzhou (Canton) quickly declined. In 1685 the Qing government officially lifted the ban. Foreign trade was resumed and Customs offices were established at Guangzhou, Zhangzhou, Ningbo and Yuntai Shan. In 1757 the Qing government, anxious to close strategic coastal places to foreigners, designated Guangzhou as their only port and introduced a set of restrictive regulations. Foreigners were permitted trade in Guangzhou only during the trading season, after which they had to leave China altogether, usually withdrawing to Macau.

行商與公行制度 Hong Merchants and the Co-hong System


The Qing government restricted trade with foreigners to certain Chinese merchants, the Hong merchants, and their firms were the so-called “Thirteen Hongs”. In 1720 this arrangement became the Co-hong system. Its role was broadened to include collecting Customs declarations from foreign merchants, communicating between them and the government, and even overseeing surveillance of their activities. Foreign merchants’ dissatisfaction with trade conditions in Guangzhou grew with the Hong merchants’ exploitation of such wide-ranging powers, which were never relaxed despite many protests.

早期中英關係 Early Sino-British Relations


The Industrial Revolution in Britain in the late 18th century greatly increased industrial production and creation an urgent need for overseas markets for British goods. China, with her large population, was seen as a prime target. But China, with her self-sufficient economy and traditional ethnocentric attitudes, quite naturally imposed many restrictions on foreign merchants, while Britain tried to sell unsuitable products to China. Britain sent emissaries to China in 1793 and 1816 in the hope of improving trade relations, but both failed. A third attempt was made in 1834 following the abolition of the British East India Company’s monopoly on China trade. Lord Napier was appointed British Superintendent of Trade in China in 1834 to negotiate more favourable trade arrangements. His mission to Guangzhou failed and he died in Macau, Sino-British relations deteriorating still further.

右邊鴉片戰爭展室Opium War Room on the Right】

從貿易到戰爭 From Trade to War


The three and a half centuries from the coming of the Portuguese in 1498 to the outbreak of the Opium War in 1840, witnessed the transition of Sino-Western relations from an era of peaceful trade to one of direct confrontation ending in the use of force. The Opium War was the watershed of Hong Kong’s history, demarcating the time when from a few scattered fishing villages and rural hamlets under the jurisdiction of Xin’an county it became a British colony, with all the cataclysmic changes that resulted. Through this film it is hoped that the audience would re-live this chapter of history.

林則徐與九龍海防 Lin Zexu and Kowloon’s Coastal Defence


After Commissioner Lin Zexu arrived in Guangzhou in 1839, he realised that he had to control the waters between Tsim Sha Tsui and Hong Kong Island to prevent British ships from using chis passage for their contraband opium trade. He therefore relocated the headquarters of the Dapeng Brigade to Kowloon, and had two forts built at Tsim Sha Tsui and Kwun Chung (Yau Ma Tei) to stand guard over the harbour, protect Humen (the Bogue) and deprive the British of this vital east-west passage.

虎門銷煙 Destruction of the Opium


When Commissioner Lin arrived in Guangzhou in 1839, he informed the foreign merchants to surrender their stock of opium and promise not to import any more of the poisonous drug into China. Altogether 20,283 chests of opium were surrendered from the barges anchored off the Bocca Tigris. On Lin’s orders this opium was destroyed in lime pits over a period of 23 days from 3 June 1809.

中英軍力的比較 Military Strengths of China and Britain


On paper the Qing government’s 100,000 men fighting the Opium War far outnumbered Britain’s expeditionary force of 20,000. In armament, however, the Qing forces’ equipment was decidedly inferior, particularly its navy. British warships were fast, armed with up to 120 cannon, and possessed incomparable combat capability. By contrast the Qing war junks were poorly armed, had little offensive capability, and were commanded by officers inexperienced in the highly efficient tactics of the British.

中英在九龍的衝突 Conflict in Kowloon


Tension between Chinese and British escalated after Lin’s destruction of opium at Humen in June 1839 and the killing of a Chinese by a British sailor at Tsim Sha Tsui in July. On 4 September, British Superintendent of Trade in China, Charles Elliot, led three British ships to Kowloon to purchase food. Frustrated by failure to lift the Chinese ban on food provision, he ordered one of the ships to open fire. After several hours’ exchange of shelling, the British ships ran out of ammunition and withdraw. This heralded a couple of skirmishes which constituted the prelude to the First Opium War.

第一次鴉片戰爭爆發 Outbreak of the First Opium War

英國國會於1839年10月經過激烈辯論後,以極微多數票通過對華用武。1840年6月下旬,英國艦隊抵華,北上攻佔舟山群島的主要城市定海,8月中旬更抵白河口,逼近京城。清政府大為震驚,道光皇帝立場動搖,隨即撤去林則徐的職務,並派遣琦善議和。 琦善和義律經多番談判後草擬了《穿鼻草約》,但不曾簽訂,終亦不為兩國政府所接受。1841年2月下旬,英軍再次舉兵進侵珠江沿岸,5月更攻陷廣州城。

In October 1839 the British Parliament passed the Bill of War against China by a slight majority after a heated debate. Arriving in June 1840, the British expeditionary force swiftly moved north to occupy Dinghai (Tinghai), then farther north to the mouth of River Baihe, in threateningly close proximity to the capital Beijing (Peking). Severely shaken by the turn of events, the Qing government dismissed Lin Zexu and despatched Qishan (Keshen) to negotiate peace. Qishan and Ellsot jointly prepared a draft treaty after prolonged negotiations, which in the end was not accepted by either government. Hostilities were resumed the following February and Guangzhou fell to the invading troops in May 1841.

戰爭擴大 Escalation of War


The war escalated because Britain was dissatisfied with the concessions that Elliot secured from China. Elliot’s successor Henry Pottinger reached Guangzhou in August 1841 and immediately launched an all-out offensive, re-occupying Dinghai and taking Xiamen (Amoy), Zhenhai and Ningbo. In June 1842, fortified by reinforcements, the British followed the Yangtze upriver to capture Zhenjiang (Chinkiang), and were encamped outside Nanjing (Nanking) by August. The Qing government had no option but to succumb to further British demands.

第二次鴉片戰爭 The Second Opium War

在《南京條約》簽訂後,英國認為清廷沒有完全履行條約所訂的各項條款,更欲進一步擴大其在華利權,新一輪軍事衝突迫在眉睫。1856年10月,一艘香港華人擁有及在港註冊並懸掛英國國旗的船隻“亞羅號”在廣州遭中方拘留,英人乃以此為口實發動戰爭。適值法國傳教士於廣西被殺,法國乃加入戰團。由於這場戰爭的起因與鴉片戰爭後的修約交涉有關,故被稱為第二次鴉片戰爭(又稱英法聯軍之役)。1858年英法聯軍攻陷廣州,英法簽訂《天津條約》。兩年後,聯軍再陷大沽,進而佔領北京城,清廷再次簽訂城下之盟 — — 《北京條約》。

Claiming that the Qing government did not fully honour the Treaty of Nanking, Britain renewed her territorial designs on China. In October 1856 the Chinese detained the Arrow, a lorcha flying the Britain flag, Britain started war on this pretext. The murder of a French missionary in Guangxi at this time caused France to join ranks with the British. As the war was caused by the unresolved disputes over the treaty terms concluded in the First Opium War, it was called the Second Opium War (also known as the Anglo-French Expedition to China). In 1858, the Anglo-French forces occupied Guangzhou, took Ye Mingchen, Governor-General of Guangdong and Guangxi, then proceeded north to capture Dagu (Taku). The Qing government had no alternative but to accept the terms put forward by the British and French, and sign the Treaty of Tientsin. Two years later, the joint forces captured Dagu again and occupied Beijing (Peking), ending with the signing of another unequal treaty, Convention of Peking.

租借新界 Lease of the New Territories


Russia secured its eastern seaboard through more unequal treaties, while France, after acquiring Tongking (Vietnam), threatened to control China’s neighbouring Provinces of Yunnan and Guangxi. When France leased the port of Guangzhouwan (Zhanjiang) in Guangdong, Britain forced yet another concession from China. Under a lease signed on 0 June 1898 it took control of what was to become the New Territories. The expiry of the 99-year lease on 30 June 1997 became the fulcrum for Hong Kong’s return to China.

【正中文物展示區 Artifacts Exhibition Area in the Centre】

鴉片貿易 The Opium Trade


Since Chinese tea was in great demand in Britain while its products were not popular in China, the early Sino-British trade was greatly in China’s favour. But Britain found the solution in opium grown in British India and shipped to China. The annual import of 4,000 chests in the early 19th century multiplied to 35,000 chests in 1838. The British trade imbalance with China was entirely reversed and immense sums of silver dollars drained out of China’s economy. The scourge of opium addiction swept through China. Estimates of the number of addicts ranged as high as 10 million, with serious repercussions on China’s economy and its people’s health.

英軍佔領香港島 British Occupation of Hong Kong Island


On 24 January 1841 the British warship Sulphur sailed into Hong Kong waters and troops landed the next morning. Other warships followed on 26 January. The British flag was raised and, amidst the booming sound of the gun salute, the formal occupation of Hong Kong Island was proclaimed in Britain’s name. The landing spot was later named Possession Point. The site in Sheung Wan has now become the Hollywood Road Park. Possession Street is nearby.

南京條約 The Treaty of Nanking


Chinese and British envoys signed the Treaty of Nanking on board H.M.S. Cornwallis on 29 August 1842. China ceded to Britain the island of Hong Kong which, after 19 months of de facto occupation, formally came under British colonial rule. The Qing government agreed to pay Britain an indemnity of 21,000,000 taels of silvers, open five ports to foreign trade, and abolish Co-hong system, The Treaty of Nanking did not mention opium, but the British merchants then used Hong Kong’s superior geographical location to smuggle even more opium into China.

北京條約 The Convention of Peking


War resumed in October 1860. Anglo-French forces took Beijing (Peking), plundered the city and burnt the Summer Palace (Yuanming Yuan). With the signing of the Convention of Peking on 24 October, the Qing court agreed to open Tianjin as a Treaty Port, pay an indemnity of 8,000,000 taels of silver each to Britain and France, permit foreign envoys in Beijing, and consent to the emigration of unskilled labourers. Furthermore, Britain tightened its grip on Hong Kong through the cession of Kowloon Peninsula and Stonecutters Island.




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